Showing 12 colouring pages related to erie canal. The america expansion coloring pages 19th century american history coloring pages 1800 1899 the erie canal the erie canal allowed passangers and goods to be moved west across the state of new york faster than ever before.
Hiker Hunger Coloring Page
Erie canal coloring pages. 2480 x 3508px 89202kb. Some of the colouring page names are christmas to color drawn boat looks 3d pencil and in color drawn boat looks 3d american history for kids a timeline oregon trail at erie canal american explorers oregon trail at oregon trail at oregon trail at oregon trail at oregon trail at 2nd aqueduct 1885 of rochester and monroe general decals large fishing boat. In downtown syracuse free open 7 days a week name. It took thousands of workers over 8 years to dig it by handconstruction began on the fourth of july 1817 and wasnt completed until october 25 1825. New york landmark erie canal 648 x 303px 3765kb. Erie canal early history this american history timeline for kids helps teach the important events that shaped the united states with many free printable coloring pictures and pages.
300 x 250px 414kb. Canal boat 262 x 259px 1564kb. 4th of july coloring pages. Erie canal boats coloring page 550 x 550px 9386kb. The original erie canal was a 363 mile long 40 foot wide 4 foot deep man made ditch. Nina the narrowboat colouring pages.